If there's one thing I know about women
is that they love pain. They can't live
without it. Women need pain as part of
their daily diet to survive.
Women love to watch soppy mindless
chick-flicks. It's to them what porn is to
men. To men, any porn will do as long as
they can jack off at the end of the movie,
right? my friends.hahaha
For women, soppy mindless chick-flicks
are all the same. The objective is to cry at
the end of the movie. The only similarity
between both genres of motion picture is
that they both require tissue paper.
Anyhow, men watch porn to feel
happy and pleasured. Women watch soppy
mindless chick-flicks to feel sad.
How crazy is that?
Why would anyone go out of their way just
to feel sad? They should try living my life.
Perhaps then being sad
wouldn't be so novel anymore.
Women love to go for bikini waxing.
See, I never understood that. Why would
anyone make an appointment to get hair
ripped out of their delicate areas?
Have they never heard of shaving?
Or even hair removal creams?
Why would anyone choose the painful
way when there are non-painful ways?
If there was a pit of lava and you were
given a choice between jumping over
the pit, walking around the side of the
pit and walking straight into the pit,
which one would you choose?
5/24/2006 02:23:00 pm
THE CHAT _____
LYNKS _____