There is a contemporary saying that goes: "for every woman, there is a man who is sick and tired of her bullshit". To some extent, that is true. Relationships these days are more costly on men than on women. Men have to: 1. Make the first move 97% of the time 2. Plan and throw a lavish first date 3. Make woman feel needed loved, 4. Maintain the interest of the woman 5. Pretend that women are always right
and men are always wrong Women, on the other hand, don't need to do the above. Additionally, they can: 1. Sit back and expect pampering 2. Throw tantrums 3. Get their way 4. Demand attention, affection
and gifts 5. Get away with murder I am not as interested as before in maintaining friendships. I found that for some of the friends I met up with, I got bored quickly after asking "How have you been my old friend?" and receiving their replies. Most of the time while they were talking, I was day-dreaming or thinking about things that needed to be done later that day. I kept up the pretense of being interested in what they had to say by syncopating their statements in a timely manner Right now it seems my social life is dead, and the what is scarier is that I couldn't care less about its death. Not only do I not want to make new friends, I am not even interested in maintaining old ones.Oh well. Life is just what happens when we're busy making plans reference : mattar,yasser
4/18/2006 10:49:00 pm
THE CHAT _____
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