[[Sunday, February 12, 2006]]

Ok .. 2 Days Before my actual flight to Australia .. currently , i do feel upset about leaving Singapore .. especially SJI peeps n OGo8 n 06S08 .. Below is some of my thoughts about all these years in Singapore .. Thank You everyone for bringing me all the memories , be it sorrow or a happy one Friendship , how do you define friendship ? Is it if you spend time together joking and laughing then you can call those people your friends? True friendship needs lots of investment and its not easy to attained.If one were to have at least one true friend in his entire life , I suppose it’s a great thing. From my own experience , friendship are fragile but real friendship are strong.You can call your classmates your friends but what if you gets separated from them ? they will just probably forget about you and get new friends.The life is this cruel , once you and your friends can’t spend time together , you are out of his circle of friends However , true friendship lasts.Though it sounds impossible but true friendship can last even if 2 friends gets separated for years. For me , I still cannot tell if I will have real friends but so far in my 18 years of life , I had none.I realise there are no one who truly understands me.Not even those I have spent 4 years with in SJI and the band.Why ? its not because I never share my thoughts with them but its because my actions contradicts with my thoughts.For example , everyone thinks that I have many female friends but the actual fact is that I do know a lot of girls but I don’t know them well. Can’t be called friends.I tell them about it truthfully but they don’t believe it.I know its hard to believe me when my actions contradicts with it but true friendship should base on trust.well , that’s why I say true friendship cannot be obtained easily Well , jus crapping .. hope u peeps dun mind Lynette , We can still bitch on MSN

2/12/2006 05:13:00 pm



THE CHAT            _____

LYNKS                  _____

| My Memories |



